Taking Gold Chicken home |
1. A pilgrim in need of taking Gold Chicken home performs |
blocks divination after stating the purpose honestly in |
front of the Land God and Goddess. (The Holy Blocks is |
required.) |
2. The pilgrim obtaining the Holy Blocks accomplishes the |
procedures and pays a fee of NT$ 3,600 at the regist- |
ration counter. |
3. The Gold Chicken shall be held with both hands of the |
pilgrim circling the censer of Heavenly God (the Emperor |
of Heaven) 3 times with piety. |
4. The Gold Chicken taken home shall be taken home with |
both hands holding and be worshipped at home or at |
office with a cup of tea (no tap water but boiled water) |
in front of it. A cup of rice is better. |
5. A pilgrim taking the Gold Chicken home shall be not |
younger than the age of 20 years old. |
Notices of blocks divination for Gold Chicken |
A pilgrim performing blocks divination shall state one’s |
name, address and purpose of Gold Chicken. |
Example: |
In front of the Land God and Goddess, I, a pilgrim living at |
(address), is indeed in need of taking Gold Chicken home, |
for luck and fortune of business. |
Please grant me the Holy Blocks. |
Notices of worshipping the Gold Chicken: |
1. A cup of tea (no tap water but boiled tea) is worshi- |
pped in front of it. |
2. It is unnecessary to change the tea every day, but the |
tea cannot be empty. It is better off to worship a cup |
of rice in front of it. |
3. Please do bring the Gold Chicken back to Zi Nan Temple |
and immerse it in the incense of the censer of the Hea- |
venly God for luck and fortune. |
How to find a wealth corner for putting Gold Chicken: |
1. The corner of left or right side against the central-open |
door |
2. The corner of the right side against the left-open door |
3. The corner of the left side against the right-open door. |
Notices: |
The red paper attached to the Gold Chicken offers you a |
handy way to find the wealth corner. |
Please consult an expert of geomantic omen for the |
accurate wealth corner. |