Origin of Zi Nan Temple |
Zi Nan Temple Water Spinach of Shiaochingtzu |
In Emperor Chia-ching’s Adventures in Taiwan there are |
anecdotes concerning Lee Yung Temple, Good flavor of |
small Chushan red yams and Beauties in Mt. Chauching in |
Chushan area. It is said that Emperor Chiaching traveled to the north and arrived at Sheliao ferry. There is a Lord |
Temple nearby Sheliao Elementary School believed to w- |
orship Generals Cheng and Huang liable for protecting the |
Emperor perishing here. The both were honored as Lord |
Cheng and Lord Huang. |
As the Emperor arrived at the ferry, he was treated by water spinach of Shiachingtzu area that was extremely fresh and |
delicious due to the everlasting spring in that area. This vegetable was loved and granted by the Emperor. It is out of the |
question to know whether this anecdote is true, but it is possible to make water spinach of Shiachingtzu a local specialty |
via using the natural spring in here. |
The Emperor failed to cross the Zhuoshuei River and req- |
uested the Land God of Chuchiaoliao perform His miracle |
at the ferry, so the Emperor crossed the River and trav- |
eled safely to Lukang, the final destination of his adven- |
tures in Taiwan, all the way in terms of blessing and pro- |
tection of the Land God. Later, the Land God of Chuchia- |
oliao was also granted along with an officer cap in addition |
to attending officers and officials by the Emperor. |
It is necessary to perform the worship ritual prior to reform, so Mr. Chuang Chi-yan, the representative of Yunlin |
Irrigation Association who had the altar at home and knew how the Temple was built in the first place as well, was |
suggested to be the Chief Executive Director of the Reform Board. Mr. Chuang was admirable to take such post despite |
fund deficit. |
Later, the Reform Board collected money via liberal don- |
ation of residents in the neighborhoods. The reform co- |
mmenced on the 26th of lunar Sep in 1981 and terminated |
in Nov 1982. The Board was instituted as the Board of |
Managers of Zi Nan Temple and Mr. Chuang was selected |
as the first-term Chief Executive Manager (CEM) in the |
beginning of 1983. Currently, he is in his 8th term of the |
CEM. |